Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Affirmations - they work!

Image: Gabrielle Jones, Tree Lines V, 2009 Oil on Canvas, 101 x 101cm

Remember I posted about my new year's list of what was great about being an artist? Well, as a result, I decided to put a positive spin on my mindset and self talk regarding art and survival. I started saying an affirmation, that welcomes Creative Success, Money (No need to beat about the bush) , health and great love.
Well, this month has been a bumper. On top of a late December (but pre-affirmation) sale of a largish painting, I have now sold a very large painting, a small one and a mid -sized one (above)- a three bears, complete boxed set! (Only Joking!) Two sold at full price, but the middle sized one was discounted for personal reasons and to get sales going in a new venue. So I've netted in less than a month, more money than I made in a long while. In addition, I have another possible sale coming to the studio this week, and one in early February to look at buying the largest painting I have done, to date.
Go to it - Affirm!


  1. Well done, Gabrielle! Good start of an new decennium!

  2. Thanks Ingrid - that's a new word on me! You speak English better than i do!



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