Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eat Paint Love Bali

Postcard images for the Art Supplies shops

Facebook Ad Campaign Image

The new logo

Finally launched a new venture, Bali Art Retreats, week-long painting and drawing courses in three locations in Bali. I think this island is one of the most beautiful and authentically artistic countries in the world - land of temples, frangipani, hand-made offerings, painting, pottery, stone and woodcarving, sun, surf, mystic mountains, fabulous food and contagious smiles - and I wanted to spend more time in it. So I have designed three Art Retreats to (I hope) ignite the attendees' passion for art, provide unique encounters with a two thousand year old culture, and help them see the world through new eyes, as well as combine my passion for Art, enjoyment of teaching and love of travel

The workshops in the retreats aim to stimulate creativity and show new ways to approach work, as well as reinvigorate or introduce fundamental techniques, support and encourage artistic expression and growth, and make the whole thing fun. They are Suitable for beginners to advanced painters, and are strictly limited to twelve participants (non-participating friends, partners and children welcome).

We cover Still Life, Landscape and Figurative subjects during the course of the week, and visits to important local architectural and landscape sites, and cultural displays are included. More guided optional excursions are available –to local villages, to other cultural sites, for adventure experiences - to deepen your understanding and artistic affair with this island.

But one of the great things is that participants share this adventure with a select group who also hold their passion, learning from each other as they learn from me and from Bali herself.

The new logo is attached, and I'm about to deliver some postcards to the art Supplies stores around Sydney. There's a facebook campaign running and I will be advertising in some Bali mags and retreat sites, and, maybe, a US retreat site. Any other suggestions to get this up and happening?

What do you think of the logo? And if you click to the link above, what do you think of the website?

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