Friday, October 29, 2010

On Colour Part Two

Image: Ken Kewley, Hot Chocolate with Apricot, 2000, Oil on Panel, 8 x 10 inches

Second Instalment from Painting Perceptions from an interview with Ken Kewley

Love colors as writers love words. It is the love that comes through when the mind gets out of the way. Don’t think too much. Trust your instincts.

Each color plays their part. Less is more. Each element is made to do more.

To restart dead paintings reshape whole by large actions. Colors (alternating colors) create steps that move around, into, and back out of, paintings. Paint instinctively with joy.

Values are more important than color. Strong Fauve paintings reproduced in black and white retain much of their force. Force sometimes comes by supplying little choice. Black and white can be use to reshape the painting into larger forms. Black and white can be used as extremes. Be aware of the lightest and dark part of a painting.

Matisse said to start with the most intense color then add another and adjust the first if need be and then add another keeping always in mind the overall effect and what you want to be the subject. This should be what you are most interested in and so this should be natural and easily done. You may sometimes find that your interest lies elsewhere. Then go with that. Relax and the right answer will come to you. Relax and the right color will be found. Relax and any discord will show themselves.

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