Thursday, September 2, 2010

Some quotes to keep you going

McLean Edwards, Installation View, Goulburn Regional Gallery, (two views)

OK ...So I've been off air for an inordinately long period of time. But, in my defense, I have been working hard for my first solo show in a public gallery, Goulburn Regional Gallery in November, and have managed to complete ten large works -and I'm pretty happy with them. I checked out the Gallery on the weekend - swallowed hard and crossed my fingers - it's a large new gallery, very exciting and very scary.
I've also been teaching two days and two nights per week - so something had to go.
Anyway, in my process of artistic creation, I always read a, over the next few posts, I'm giving you the benefit of what I've learned from higher powers than myself - famous artists, poets and authors, about their inspiration, process and philosophies. I'm kicking off with a fellow female, and different thinker -Enjoy!

“..I draw out the shapes as quickly as I can to keep myself off balance. I try to think about them as little as possible and let them come from unconscious places…It’s a way of tricking myself into trying to do or see something not so predictable…I get anxious to discover a new way to paint, which brings back the pleasure. …I play around (with paint) as long as I can stand it…it’s a process of trying to be unconscious and very deliberate at the same time…”. Elizabeth Murray

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