Sunday, June 27, 2010

In the Media - for those who asked for it

As some of you now know, I was recently given a full page article and photos in the Sydney Morning Herald and I've attached it for your reading pleasure (if not a giggle, especially at the really bad photo of me). Not sure if I have shot myself in the foot, as I am really trying to be seen as a real artist, but hey - they rang me for an interview because of my website addition which they thought was, somehow newsworthy.
And I certainly can't afford to knock back publicity.
And's not what you know, it's who you know! A friend passed my site onto someone in the media, who passed it on to....etc
Let me know what you think
You can read it at human size here (click on thumbnail)

1 comment:

  1. So cool, you are such an entrepreneur as well as a fab painter! ...thanks for posting. You look fine in the pic too by the way.



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