Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Valparaiso Day 2

View from "Old Mountain" across the Orange plantations

Another View from the top - worth the climb!

Foundacion Valparaiso - from the side, as viewed from half way up the mountain

A wonder of shapes! The Foundacion from the other side

Walked the “old Mountain” which marks the position of Valparaiso and enjoyed breaking free with the sketch book again. Two drawings, only passable but fun to make. I then ventured into the studio and began experimenting with guache – a medium I have used only once or twice. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of pigment, even though watered down, so am hopeful of some good work proceeding. It’s fun to get back to the drawing board and play – there are no production expectations here, and as the other residents are all experienced, there is no competitiveness or over zealousness – if you want to hang about and read, that’s fine (and there’s a wonderful library of art and pleasure reading books in many different languages) or walk or sleep – all fine.

Managed to come up sith a decent start to some work, which seems related to the Cacti that surround the place rather than the vast, spectacular scenery, which is a bit of a surprise.

I then accompanied the artist from Iceland (her name souds like RRup Hildur) and Nancy from New York up the mountain to Mojacar proper to see what it had to offer. We founf the local Centrale de Artes with a pretty awful exhibition of Fashion/theatre illustration from an American claiming first class Honours degree from University of Northumberland in UK –(wouldn’t have a hop of that in Sydney) as well as a great bar overlooking the view, where we indulged in San Miguel Beers for Euro 2.5. Returned down the hill to the awaiting, obligatory Cocktails before dinner and a wonderful, convivial meal where again, way too much alcohol was consumed. And the Bulgarian Brandy was excellent, too – but maybe, one too many.

Day 3 is when I am writing – sitting at the table catching up on the 110 emails, negotiating the very slow internet and missing out on the market day that the others are attending (I can catch it again next week!). Besides, I am in need of a bit of quiet, having become very accustomed to my own company in these last few weeks.

I’ll report more when something happens, otherwise, assume I am working!

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